Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Fast Food Nations Chapter 2 questions

I think that the targeting of children outside of school for the fast food industry is a pretty smart move.  I mean this is business after all. The responsibility  falls on the parents to teach their children whether they are being persuaded in to something anyway. On the other hand, I believe that the use of schools to advertise is a shady move on the fast food industry's point of view. It really disturbs me when children can no longer walk down a hallway without seeing an advertisement for a Big Mac or drink Coca-cola is something that needs to be change for the best of the kids and the nation. I think the main difference between an ethical use of advertisement and an unethical one is whether the advertisement can be chosen to be shut down rather than putting so many McDonald advertisements around that you have to go buy a Big Mac . The debate is that children don't know what is good for them, they only know whats on TV for the kids which is a bunch of Fast Food advertisements, And some parents have no choice to buy fast food because they can't afford anything else.

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