Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011 Homework

A New Book Argues Against the SAT

Summary:Wake Forest University announced three years ago that it would make SAT opional for undergraduate applicants. Joseph Soares, a sociology professor at the university supports the choice because he believes standarize testing is bias to minorities and women.
Central Argument: The central argument is that the SAT and ACT are fundamentally discriminatory.
Assertion #1: One assertion in this eassy is when Mr. Soares saids in the story “High school grades are the single most powerful predictor of college performance,” he said. “High SAT scores over-predict how well a student is going to do in college, and they’re inversely related to academic engagement.” Which he is stating that colleges should look at high school students grades instead of maily looking at their SAT scores.
Assertion #2: When Mr. Soares saids  “I don’t blame the SAT,” he said. “But they’ve inadvertently ended up with a statistical algorithm that is systematically biased against racial minorities and women.” He is supporting what he said in the beginning of the story and states his belief that the SAT is biased against minorites and women, also the ones that are not in the higher class of society.
Rethorical Strategy:
Logo: This Article gives supporting statistics to the authors claim. And gives the readers readiblity to ask questions to themselves.
Pathos: This article shows an image of the book SAT WARS. And shows an emotional appeal of how some people feel about the SAT.
Two words i didn't know
1. inadvertently
2. discriminatory

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