Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Fast Food Nations Chapter 2 questions

I think that the targeting of children outside of school for the fast food industry is a pretty smart move.  I mean this is business after all. The responsibility  falls on the parents to teach their children whether they are being persuaded in to something anyway. On the other hand, I believe that the use of schools to advertise is a shady move on the fast food industry's point of view. It really disturbs me when children can no longer walk down a hallway without seeing an advertisement for a Big Mac or drink Coca-cola is something that needs to be change for the best of the kids and the nation. I think the main difference between an ethical use of advertisement and an unethical one is whether the advertisement can be chosen to be shut down rather than putting so many McDonald advertisements around that you have to go buy a Big Mac . The debate is that children don't know what is good for them, they only know whats on TV for the kids which is a bunch of Fast Food advertisements, And some parents have no choice to buy fast food because they can't afford anything else.

Fast Food Nations Chapter 3 questions

Fast food workers have not unionized because of the history that shows how much effort is put into it . Some efforts have been successful bug many workers don’t even bother to try anymore. Sometimes when a manager suspects efforts to unionize he  informs a person  higher up in the corporate ladder than him, then actions are taken immediately. A squad of managers and corporate executives are sent in and meetings are put in place where questions alot of questions are ask to the workers. harsher and bother some policies are put in place sometimes even resulting in a lot of lie detector tests. All workers don’t unionize because they know that such actions will get them to be fired from their job.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fast Food Nations Question 4

1. For fast food franchises across the United States, the fast food chains are periodically sued by franchisees who are upset about encroachment, and inflated prices charged by suppliers. This is in page 100 paragraph two and the evidence shows that fast food restaurants have a lot of trouble in legal issues.

2.Subway has been involved in many unusual legal actions. For example, instead of recruiting franchisees the way most fast food restaurants do, Subways relies on "development agents". Because the agents are really considered independent contractors and their salary is dependent on how many Subways are open in their area. And  compensations their work, is them  receiving some of the money that is paid in the subway franchisees, and annual royalties. But when agents fail to meet their monthly quotas they are forced to pay the company for the money they owe. This puts pressure on the agents to open new subway restaurants, even if they are not close to each other in the agents area. Subway often makes new franchises, work 50 to 60 hours to earn enough money to get by.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Fast Food Nations intro and chapter 1 questions

Intro: How is the 'American world view' embodied in the fast food industry?
When the other nations of the world see that our obesity rates are up and the amount of unhealthy people are going because there is a lot of fasts in the united states. That puts a big view of the American world.

Chapter 1: What elements of Southern California "culture" contributed to and encouraged the development of fast food restaurants?
he saw the way industrtys for automobiles can help how he runs his fastfood restraunt and develop it more

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Source 1


This article was about why animals shouldn't be considered property.  And what they should be viewed as. This helps our argument because it shows a clear reason why animals should be more than just property and it can lead into animals getting rights.

Source 2

http://www.avma.org/onlnews/javma/may03/030515n.aspThis source had two articles in it
The article I'm going to talk about is the article about how dogs can be dangerous too. And how to dogs tend to bite people. This could help because these are the type of source that can counter our argument big time about animal rights.

Source 5


Food Incorporated Documentary

This documentary was talking about how a lot of fast food corporation were going against health codes. And keeping the public in the dark about what goes on in their factories. This can tie into our argument because most of these corporations miss treat the animals, some animals in the fast food factories don't even see the sunlight. This is one example of  how animals need rights too.